Automating build

This section will go over the steps necessary to automate the process of building the book, integrating crowdin translations, and deploying the book to the web. This process is automated using GitHub Actions, which is a CI/CD tool that is integrated with GitHub.


  1. You need to review the crowdin integration guide here @crowdin-integration-guide to setup your crowdin project.
  2. You need to have a GitHub account.


  1. Navigate to /.github/workflows/ folder in your github repository (you can create the folder if it doesn’t exist).

  2. Create a new file called build-book.yml and paste the following code into the file:

    “يامل name: Build Book with Babel Quarto

           - crowdin_integration
       PR_AUTHOR_NAME: Richie
       NEW_BRANCH: build_book-
       CONFIG_FILE: ./.jsquarto/config.json
         runs-on: ubuntu-latest
             node-version: [16.x]
           - name: Checkout
             uses: actions/checkout@v3
               persist-credentials: true
           - name: Set New Branch Name
             id: set_branch
             run: echo "NEW_BRANCH=${NEW_BRANCH}$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
           - name: Setup R
             run: |
               sudo apt-get update
               sudo apt-get install r-base
               sudo apt-get install r-base-core
               sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev
           # Writeable directory is needed for R packages installation, installing to the default library path is not allowed
           - name: Create writable directory for R packages
             run: |
               mkdir ./my_R_library
               chmod u+w ./my_R_library
           - name: Setup quarto
             uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2
           - name: Setup Node.js
             uses: actions/setup-node@v2
               node-version: 16.x
           - name: Install dependencies
             run: npm i --save &&  npm install @oscsa/jsquarto -g
           - name: Set jsquarto config
             run: jsq config:set config=$CONFIG_FILE --force
             ## Optional
           - name: Remove content of the _book
             run: jsq doc:clean
           - name: Build book (jsquarto) 
             run:  tsc -b && jsq doc:generate
           - name: Prepare crowdin translations
             run: jsq fix:crowdin_files 
           - name: Install PAK
             run: Rscript -e "install.packages('pak', lib='./my_R_library')"
           - name: Install Babel quarto
             run: Rscript -e ".libPaths(c('./my_R_library', .libPaths())); library(pak); pak::pak('ropensci-review-tools/babelquarto', lib='./my_R_library')"
           - name: Build book (babelquarto) 
             run: |
               config_output=$(jsq config:get | tail -n 10)
               echo "$config_output"
               OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$(echo "$config_output" | grep -oP '(?<=outputDirectory: ).*' | tr -d "',")
               echo "outputDirectory: $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"
               Rscript -e ".libPaths(c('./my_R_library', .libPaths())); library(babelquarto); project_dir <- '$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'; babelquarto::render_book(project_path = project_dir)"
           - name: Fix built book
             run: |
               jsq fix:all
           - name: Commit changes
             run: |
               git config --global $PR_AUTHOR_EMAIL
               git config --global $PR_AUTHOR_NAME
               git checkout -b $NEW_BRANCH
               git status
               git يضاف
               git commit -m "Build book with babelquarto"
               git push origin $NEW_BRANCH
           - name: Create Pull Request
             id: create_pr
             uses: repo-sync/pull-request@v2
               source_branch: ${{ env.NEW_BRANCH }}
               destination_branch: ${{ env.DESTINATION_BRANCH }} 
               pr_title: New book build with babelquarto
               pr_body: |
                 :crown: *An automated PR*
                 Automated PR build book with babel-quarto
                 _Created by [repo-sync/pull-request](
               pr_label: "auto-pr"
               pr_draft: false
               pr_allow_empty: true
               token: ${{ secrets.PAT_TOKEN }}
           - name: Approve pull Request
             if: steps.create_pr.outputs.pull_request_number
             uses: hmarr/auto-approve-action@v2
               github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
               pull-request-number: ${{ steps.create_pr.outputs.pull_request_number }}


  3. Now you only need to modify a few lines in the above code to suit your project.

    • Change the PR_AUTHOR_EMAIL and PR_AUTHOR_NAME to your email and name respectively.
    • Change the DESTINATION_BRANCH to the branch you want to deploy the book to.
    • Change the CONFIG_FILE to the path of your jsquarto config file.
    • Change the pr_title and pr_body to suit your project.
    • Change the pr_label to the label you want to add to the PR.
    • Change the token to your personal access token. You can create a personal access token by following the steps here.
  4. The branch specified in the dispacth block should match the value used in your crowdin project setup

    “يامل on: pull_request: branches: - crowdin_integration ```